SHED Church

Who We Are


SHED Church is a Non-Denominational Christian Church established in April 2021. Our journey began with a few families meeting in a garage. As our numbers grew, God provided different meeting locations and we are now grateful to be at the Clear Lake City Hall. It has been an adventure of faith and we are excited to see where God continues to lead us.

Where did we come up with our name? In Hebrews 12, the writer urges us to throw off everything that hinders us, including sin that entangles us, so we can run the race God has called us to run. “Shed” carries the idea of laying burdens, oppression, and baggage at the feet of Jesus – being rid of them, not just to be rid of them but to give room in our spirits to fix our eyes on Jesus. The name SHED Church just seemed to fit!

Our mission is to lead people to a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow together as His faithful disciples. We invite you to join us. You will find meaningful and engaging music, thoughtful messages focusing our attention on a loving God, along with study, discipleship, and fellowship opportunities.